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德國柏林自由大學(xué)(Freie Universitaet Berlin)的博士后招收信息
2014年4月18日    中國博士招聘網(wǎng)
項目名稱(chēng):“Postdoc International” POINT research fellowship program
專(zhuān)業(yè):人文與社會(huì )科學(xué)、自然與生命科學(xué)
The “Postdoc International” POINT research fellowship program – co-financed by the German Excellence Initiative and the Marie Curie Program of the European Commission – provides funding for outstanding postdoctoral researchers from all disciplines to conduct their own research project at Freie Universität Berlin. More information about the program: www.fu-berlin.de/en/sites/promovieren/drs/drs_fellowships/incoming_fellowships_call2014
The POINT program was designed by Dahlem Research School at Freie Universität Berlin to promote the further academic career development through research funding, a tailored qualification program and the opportunity to develop teaching and leadership skills. It also provides essential professional guidance on preparing grant proposals to support POINT fellows in obtaining funding for follow-up research projects at Freie Universität Berlin.
Dahlem Research School offers: 20 Postdoc Fellowships in
Humanities and Social Sciences:
Natural and Life Sciences:
3.       Disease in Human Aging (DynAge) (investigates dynamics at the level of molecules, individuals and society)
4.       NanoScale (focuses on advanced interdisciplinary research on materials properties of nanoscale systems)
5.       NeuroCure (focuses on neurological disorders)
Starting in January 2015, each research fellowship will be awarded for 18 months. The call is open to experienced researchers of all disciplines and all nationalities who:
1.       Hold a doctoral degree (the dissertation must be submitted)
2.       Completed their doctoral degree no longer than 6 years before the deadline
3.       Have not resided in Germany for longer than 12 months during the last 36 months
Female postdoctoral researchers and returnees from phases of international, inter-sectoral and/or non-academic mobility (such as researching outside Germany, working for industry or a career break e.g. due to family reasons) are specifically encouraged to apply.
Applicants have to submit a project plan based around the research fields/ key topics of the participating Excellence Projects or Focus Areas.
Deadline for applications: 4 July 2014, 12:00 noon (Berlin local time)
1.       18 months, starting January 2015
2.       Employment contract at level TV-L FU E13 (of approx. 26.600 to 34.200 Euro net salary p.a.)
3.       Social security and health insurance included
4.       A research allowance for the duration of the project of 10.800 Euro for non lab-based/ 16.200 Euro for field trip-based/ 21.600 Euro for lab-based projects
5.       A monthly mobility allowance of 200 Euro and a one-time travel allowance
To apply, candidates need to register with the DRS online application platform on the DRS website. Once registered, they should fill out the online application form and upload all required documents. Incomplete applications and applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
For further application details please visit the DRS website at:
Dahlem Research School Fellowship Team: fellowship-drs@fu-berlin.de
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